Today, we celebrate International Women's Day. I especially would like to extend my warmest regards to all Women in Water. Kudos to you, and may you keep working hard towards sustainable and equitable access to safe water supply and sanitation services.
Women play different roles in the water sector. This includes the traditional chore of fetching water to ensure that the family has enough for cooking, drinking, bathing, laundry and gardening; and professional roles such as water engineers, water researchers, policy, environmentalist, hydrologists, environmentalists, managers, just to mention a few.
This year's call for change is driven by the campaign theme "Choose to challenge". this can be achieved by:
- Calling out on unequal access to water and sanitation services
- Help forge inclusive enrolment in STEM subjects in Higher education institutions
- Help remove barriers to female employment in the water sector
- Remind the world that Women deserve a place at the decision-making table
- Sharing women in achievements
- AND much more!
If you are a woman working in the water sector and would like to connect with other women professionals to share experiences and ideas, you can join the Community of Women in Water (CWiW), a global networking platform supporting women working to solve water issues!
I would also love to connect with other young women professionals. Check out my LinkedIn profile.